(Pro 23:7 KJV) For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.
I am not a big fan of the NIV, but I am reading it this month as part of my discipline in reading Proverbs. Occasionally I see something that peaks my interest and gets me thinking. Today I saw this in the paraphrase,
Proverbs 23:7 (NIV) for he is the kind of person who is always thinking about the cost. “Eat and drink,” he says to you, but his heart is not with you.Do you have any friends, family, members or acquaintances that are always looking at the price tags of life? I know I have a friend who took his daughter out to dinner, and when she realized that he was paying she very pointedly order the most expensive item on the menu. Do you know people who think that something is more valuable just because it has a higher price tag? Have you been around people who tell you what everything costs including gifts that are given to you on a special day?
I guess the big question is, “Are you one of those kind of people?” I don’t think it’s presented here as a positive attribute. I would imagine that sometimes it expresses itself in the opposite way. Instead of bragging about how much you paid you brag about how little you paid. You can go either way
So? Don’t be that person. Salvation is a gift that you cannot earn. It was paid for by the blood of Jesus. It is nothing to brag about, but it is something to celebrate. Rejoice.
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